BDCVS lead on the project delivered by four partners with aim to
Explore reason for under-representation
Create awareness of Long COVID
Strengthen the response to Long COCIV
Research CYP lived experience of Long COVID
Provide Children & young people information for support
Children & Young People’s Emerging Mental Health Collaboration
B & D Council for Voluntary Services led on the successful delivery of Project with 7 grassroot partner organisations to collaborate with the aim of addressing health inequalities (Adverse Childhood Experiences, Young people aged 10-17 years, experiencing emerging mental health issues, Deprived neighbourhoods & living in poverty, & BAME background) in the borough.
The aim & objectives of the project is to
Explore emerging mental health in children and young people
Use a trauma informed approach to engage young people through
mentoring, workshops, group work and provision of transportation to increase resilience
Provide professional supervision and support to increase resilience of practitioners.
Establish and maintain a youth and practitioner peer support network.
Measure baseline and end project resilience levels.
We are the umbrella organisation for local voluntary and community organisations, social enterprises