


BDCVS lead on the project delivered by four partners  with aim to:

  • Explore reason for under-representation
  • Create awareness of Long COVID
  • Strengthen the response to Long COCIV
  • Research CYP lived experience of Long COVID
  • Provide Children & young people information for support

Children & Young People’s Emerging Mental Health Collaboration

Objective: Aims to improve mental health outcomes for children and young people.

Holistic Approach: Integrates services across education, health, and social care for comprehensive support.

Stakeholder Involvement: Actively engages young people, families, and professionals in developing relevant mental health strategies.

Early Intervention: Prioritizes early identification and support to address mental health challenges before they escalate.

Community Focus: Promotes resilience and well-being within the community by addressing the unique needs of young individuals.


Connexus offered a blended delivery using technology and digital tools but recognised when face-to-face works best.  We developed, coordinated and delivered a programme of workshops, training and networked events and brokered additional capacity building.  This included leveraging existing skills, knowledge, and capability locally.

Positive Peer Program

B & D CVS led and provided capacity-building support across partner organisations on The Positive Peers Programme (PPP), a collaborative project between eight local grassroots organisations working with Children & Young people. PPP started as a pilot project testing a new approach to community-based and led support for 100 CYP aged between 10 and 18 years. The project tested a new model of single-point referral and assessment, with peer and community referral central to its core.

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We are the umbrella organisation for local voluntary & community organisations and social enterprises

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